Thursday, December 29, 2011

Never, never, never, never give up!

The title of this post is actually a paraphrase of Winston Churchill's message in a speech to a graduating class in the 1940s.  Paraphrase or not, rather good advice in most cases, I believe.

I really have to come to dislike the idea of New Year resolutions; just like diets, somehow when I know I am restricted to doing something or more importantly, NOT doing something, I want nothing more than to rebel immediately if not sooner.  So, no resolutions for me.  Just a desire to wear out a pair of shoes.

I retired my first pair of running shoes this morning in favor of a shiny new pair.  It has once again been several days since I ran.  The plan to work out every day of Winter Break fell apart almost immediately as I got a stomach bug the first weekend that did linger on.  By the time I felt better, heck I was on vacation...who wants to exercise then? 

But with every glass of wine I have enjoyed and every sugar cookie I savored, something kept nagging at me...probably those 30 extra pounds I have been whining about for awhile now.  I even gave in and bought jeans I don't have to hold my breath to get into and sweaters that feel more comfortable on my chubby arms. 

BUT, that does NOT mean I have given up!  No, no! 

In fact, it is amazing how much more comfortable a run is in shoes that haven't completely broken down, and I have to say that though my old shoes were worn for more than just running, it felt pretty good to know that I have worn them out for workout purposes.  That suggests that over the last year I have done more productive things than sit on my couch. 

The new shoes will be just for running, and I look forward to seeing just how fast I can wear them out, actually.  My workout log tells me that since October of last year, I have run 128 miles in 89 workouts. 

And I have saved the old jeans.  I will be slithering back into those some day soon.  Oh yes, I will!

I will miss the Jiggle Butt Run this's next weekend and I am in no shape to tackle it right now.  But I think the Cowtown is in February.  Brian and I could run that one together. 

In any case, I shall be taking a cue from old Sir Winston.  Here goes nothing....

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