Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Badger and Bear's No Good, Horrible, Very Bad Day

Badger: Mom's little nephew came over again today. Man, that kid scares me!  He's so loud!  I never know how to act around him.  Am I supposed to chase him?  Bite him?  Ignore him?  I'm so confused.  I just don't know! 

Bear:  No doubt, my friend.  He's a little tornado, for sure.  You just have to stay still.  That's the key.

Badger:  That's so boring. 

Bear:  Maybe.  But he's not blowing in my face all the time or chasing me around the living room or yelling BOO at me!  Just you, dude.

Badger:  Oh and what about that hoop thing he had today?  That was a whole new nightmare. 

Bear:  You are such a scaredy cat, dude.  At least I walked through it when Mom showed me how.  And while we are on the subject of what scares you--what's up with bicycles and scooters?  That gets a little old...all the barking every time a kid rides by on one of those. 

Badger:  I'm just being vigilant and consistent.  You can't let your guard down, man. 

Bear:  Yeah, uh huh.

Badger:  So, as if a morning with the kid wasn't bad enough, Mom decides a BATH would be a good idea?  I didn't stink...that badly. 

Bear:  What do you have to complain about?  What was that like your second bath in your whole life?  You are such a baby; you won't even let her brush you.  That's why you got a bath, doofus. 

Badger:  It was still traumatizing.  Dad would have never let her do it.

Bear:  You wanna bet?

Badger:  Honestly, I'm too tired to argue about it now.  I need a nap.  What about you?

Bear: Man, baths have worn me out since I was a puppy.  Let's grab the couch as soon as Mom bails. 

Badger:  Excellent idea, my brother.  Can't wait till Dad gets home.

Bear:  Maybe I'll be ready for my walk by then.

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