Tuesday, June 14, 2011

And the Winner is....

An ulcer.

I survived the Sunday prep and the Monday procedure.  Can't get rid of me that easily.  Hehehehe.

After I "adjusted" to the no-food regimen of Sunday, and managed to drink the prep stuff (brief shudder), I can honestly say that as long as you have a good book, it's not that bad.  The prep stuff goes down easily at first (it almost tastes like grape) and if I had been able to channel the "college me" and chug it a little faster, it might have been even more palatable. 

It does liquify your insides; I'm not going to lie to you.  But it's not as uncomfortable as you might imagine.  But, like I said...be sure to have a good book.  And very soft TP.  Because after awhile (please excuse this image, those of you with more gentle constitutions...) it becomes more like sandpaper...

So, that's really the hard part.  Really.

The morning of the procedure all you have to do is cooperate with the nurse.  The most painful thing that happened yesterday was getting stuck for my IV.  And the nurse was so nice, I didn't even mind.  And I was so hungry and wanted a drink of water so badly, I forgot to be scared at all.  Plus, I was finally going to get to SLEEP.

Oh, and that was sneaky!  The anesthesiologist wheeled me into the procedure room, hooked me up to the machines, the doctor's assistant moved me over on to my side and stuck oxygen tubes in my nose and that is the LAST thing I remember until I was looking into Brian's beautiful blue eyes and it was all over.  No counting backwards, nothing!  Just nighty night!  My best friend Liz and her little boy were there too when I woke up.  All in all, a pretty nice way to come back to the world. 

And my doctor breezed in again. I don't think that guy has a slow gear.  He declared with his reassuring smile that it is in fact an ULCER.  Not great news, but hey...meds will fix that.  Gracias, senor. 

Brian loaded me up and we headed home.  Liz and Mason tried to reward me with cupcakes but our favorite place was closed for the day.  I think Mason was more disappointed than me.  Poor guy.  They are great cupcakes.

Then came trying to get my meds.  I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that getting my meds for my ulcer could give a person an ulcer.  Brian tried 4 pharmacies before he finally found one that had the medicine.  Then, because it was Target and not Walgreen's, I had to call the doctor back this morning to ask them to call it in again to a new pharmacy.  Sheesh.

Picking it up was another adventure.  Because it had a very long time since I had used that pharmacy, the tech didn't know how to process my insurance.  Man....my stomach was starting to churn a bit though I confess I had never really been able to feel the ulcer before. 

Fortunately, quick as a flash, another tech recognized the card and with just a $10 charge, I finally had my miracle drug.  Let the healing begin, people!  Let's celebrate with a new lip gloss and a cute pair of capris I found on the way to the check out....

I should be all healed up in a few weeks though Excedrin and I will never be friends again.  And I won't have to have a colonoscopy for another 14 years (with luck). 

In all seriousness I have to tell you that if you are 50 or older and haven't done this yet, you need to.  If I can get through it with a sense of humor, so can you!  And after the year I've had with the people I love, I can tell you--you just never know...so pick a good book and make that appointment! 

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