Monday, January 24, 2011

Hit the High

I got there.  For just a moment.  Runner's euphoria.  It was spiritual. Well, that might be a stretch, but for something that I have always poo-pooed in the past, it was pretty amazing.

I refused to get out of bed one minute earlier than I had to this morning, so that meant my workout would be pushed to this afternoon.  I had clothes and shoes at school to change into.  I would hit the treadmill after my last class.  I grabbed my i-Pod for inspiration and told myself I would have no excuses. 

Tomorrow is Weigh In for Biggest Loser at school and I ate precisely as I pleased at the conference in Galveston over the weekend...yikes! 

I hopped up on the treadmill, our school nurse, Sam beside me on the other.  She showed me how to plug in my age and weight for calorie burn; I had never bothered before.  As I embarked on my workout, I considered how I would proceed.  Just walk?  I didn't have my inhaler, the newest addition to my repetoire.  How would I do?  It's been several days since I'd had a walk or run. 

I did a 5 minute walk and decided to try a two minute run.  Let's see how it feels.  Feels pretty good, as a matter of fact.  I walked a minute after that and worked in intervals of run two, walk one for quite awhile. 

Suddenly, as I began a new run interval, as I focused on a point outside the window, the music's volume swelled in my earphones.  I sped up.  Goosebumps raised up on my arms.  I felt so energized I thought I might just run right off that treadmill and off into the sunset.  It was exhilarating.  My mind was completely empty for once.  Runner's high. 

Then I became aware that I must be experiencing runner's high and came down as quickly as I had gone up.  I had run a minute and a half longer than I had intended to in that interval. 

I decided that it was such an amazing experience that I must have it again soon.  I also decided that guys must be able to talk about it more often because they empty their minds much more easily than women do. 

I ran a total of 19 minutes today in a 35 minute workout.  I'm pretty excited.  I can't wait for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Heather. That work out room is kinda funky, but the machines work as well as any other...and it's free!
