Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Guns n Art Projects

Last night I walked into the breakfast room, and Brian was sitting at the table humming to himself as he cleaned his automatic rifle.  The A&E show about solving murders, The First 48 was on the television.  I started laughing.  Brian turned around and looked at me.  "What?" he asked.  He had all his little brushes laid out neatly and he was working away furiously, shining up each piece.

I explained that in any other house this probably wouldn't be happening.  I had come into the room to practice with some paints for an upcoming project in my 7th grade classroom.  That meant that at one end of the table, an enormous lethal weapon was being cleaned.  At the other end, a simple, school art project was being created.  The dichotomy did not escape me. 

We worked peacefully together as the detectives solved the homicides on television.  I discovered that one paint set is better than the other that I tested.  Brian realized he had another gun he really should clean.

So, next week my kids and I will create lovely pictures with simple watercolors.  Brian will keep the city safe from Big Ben and the Steelers.  We have our weapons poised and ready.

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