I haven't posted in awhile. Lots roiling around in my head, not that I haven't been thinking about a lot to say...just not sure how best to share it and frankly, not sure if it was worth reading. My cousin checked in on the blog recently though and was disappointed to see that nothing had been posted. Well, here goes.
I didn't sleep well last night. I guess I should have realized something strange was on my horizon. I forgot to plug in my phone last night and as it is a "smart" phone, it likes to be charged regularly. I chastised myself as I struggled to wake; still not working out. Stupid pinched nerve in my back...just when I think it's all healed up I exacerbate it again. Brian wants me to go have it checked out, but I digress.
When I checked my phone, I saw not only that it needed to be charged but that I had a Facebook friend request. Oh goodie. Which former or current student this time? I smiled to myself. No. Not a student. A blast from my past that nearly knocked me down.
An old love.
When I was 18, we hosted exchange students for the summer. One beautiful boy from France. One beautfiul boy from Greece. And Heather was in Heaven. They both treated me like I was a princess. The boy from Greece called me princess in fact. Siiigggghhh. The boy from France enjoyed his time in Texas, but remained a little more objective. He knew that we would stay in touch and we have. He has a lovely family in France, and he sends me a New Year's email every year. He is still beautiful.
The boy from Greece wanted me to run away to Greece with him. He came to grad school in America to be closer to me. He sent me love letters. He sent me flowers. He came to visit me. His intensity scared the living snot out of me. We parted badly, naturally. I have not spoken to him in...almost 15 years.
I have often pictured him on those beautiful white sand beaches in Greece or riding his motorcycle that he loved so much past the Parthenon.
Turns out he's still in Detroit where he went to grad school. That shattering sound you hear is my illusion crashing to the ground. Ahhh....youth.
I'll be interested to see what he's been up to all this time. I found a knight in shining armor. He doesn't ride a horse or a motorcycle, but he does slay dragons. So, I got my fairytale. It's just not what I thought it would be when I was 18....
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