Saturday, November 6, 2010

Extreme Wogging

It's Saturday morning once again.  Time to go meet up with my 5k friends and see how my week went.  I only missed Wednesday this was raining and cold.  Urgh.  I was glad I stayed in bed that morning.  And I had every intention of hitting the treadmill that afternoon...but, the faculty meeting ran pretty long and then I found myself locked out of the workout room.  I could have hit the track, but by then I had convinced myself that it had been a really long day and I deserved one day off this week.  So, I went home and collapsed in a heap in the chair instead.  Didn't feel particularly good about it, but I was back at it on Thursday morning.

I never get as far on my own as I do with my coaches on Saturday.  I am up by 5:15 am and out in the neighborhood, but I still like to be at school early.  So I will stay out just as long as I can to make it feel like I have accomplished something (usually a little over a mile and a half) but not so long that I can't still get to school by 6:45.  I know I need to let that go.  There is no need to be at school that early.  My new goal is to  really work on staying out longer on the wog and stay longer in the afternoon at school if necessary.

today the goal was to RUN for 12 minutes total.  Not all at one time, but total.  I made it FOURTEEN minutes!!  How bout them apples?  I thought at times my lungs would explode or my legs would fall off, and I nearly cried a couple of times, but I made it.  Julie called today extreme wogging.  She was right!  Kim is such a patient and wonderful coach.  And it's a pleasure to have her in my head on my daily wogs.

"Keep those arms up!"  "We're going to run for two minutes beginning in 10 seconds....ready?"  She's always there, even when she isn't there. 

It was very cold this morning.  As I am still struggling to get my endurance, it was not welcome.  But, I suppose it could be summer and I could be suffering in the heat.  I'll take the cold, thank you! 

I'm pretty tired now, but once again would not trade getting up before the sun on this Saturday morning for anything (even though it did cross my mind briefly at 6 am to stay under the warm covers). 

It's hard to explain, but every time I find the energy and courage to get out there and wog, I feel like I am fighting my own fight.  And I feel like I am winning.  I would not trade that feeling for any extra moments under the warm covers, to be honest.  This is has been an interesting part of the journey that I didn't expect, but it's some of the best scenery so far.

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