Thursday, November 11, 2010

Waka Waka Wogging

This week has been hard so far, y'all.  I've been up, I've tried to be at 'em, but even my shins hurt pretty badly and I never do as well on my own.  I really hate Mondays because I take Sundays off, and it's hard to get back into the rhythm even after missing a day.  I push myself pretty hard on Saturdays--especially this past Saturday...Mondays are not my idea of fun.

But, I wog on.  It's important.  Overall, physically I feel better.  Certain female aspects of my life have changed dramatically as a result of the exercise and after the struggles I have had with that monthly, uh, let's say experience, that's reason enough to keep on keepin' on. 

I did add my music back in Monday.  I had been wogging without it because as a normally cautious person AND a cop's wife, I am hypervigilant.  Being distracted by music opens you up for a possible attack from behind or the side--even at 5 am in a familiar area.  That's part of the reason why I like the cardio program on my phone even though it seems a little less than accurate at times (though with me it seems generous...with Julie, Silent Nigel seems stingy with his mile and calorie count...go figure.) 

And the music is my inspiration for writing today.  I have carefully chosen music on my little mp3 player.  It's all's supposed to get me moving and keep me moving.  One more reason to wog early in the morning...if I sing a little, no one will look at me strangely.  And it would be strange.  Michael Jackson's "PYT" isn't so pretty as I'm huffing and puffing along, but it's fun for me.

There is a decent hill that I wog up now three times as I have lengthened my workout this week.  It's tough, y'all...not all that steep, I suppose, but the incline is a steady rise.  Not fun.  I would love to be able to run all the way up the hill before we leave the neighborhood, but I'm not sure it's a realistic goal.  The hill goes the length of the block.  It makes my calves and the backs of my thighs burn, but I finally found what moves me on up that hill each time. 

On my mp3 I have the World Cup song from this year by Shakira; it's called "Waka Waka."  Now I have no idea what that means.  I don't really care.  It makes me giggle a little because it makes me think of Fozzie Bear from the Muppets.  What I know for sure is that booty shakin' South American gets me to shake my own booty up that infernal hill every time.  Even when I think my calves and thighs are going to explode. 

Plus, the lyrics as odd as it sounds are rather inspirational...look 'em up.  She sings about picking yourself up when you fall down and how it's your day if you are willing to believe it.  The lyrics go on to talk about how it's Africa's time.  It gets me to thinking about how there are people who couldn't get out and wog even if they wanted to.  Cheez-o-rama?  Perhaps.  But at 5:15 am who doesn't need a little cheezy inspiration? 

Hey, I'm a middle school English teacher.  Whaddya want?  I look for beauty where I can find it. And y'all, on Monday morning, I found it in a Shakira song from the World Cup.  Waka Waka Wog on, Baby.

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